"The level of success you achieve will be in direct proportion to the depth of your commitment." -Roy T. Bennett
Sacro Occipital Technique
SOT was originally formulated by Major Bertrand DeJarnette (The Major) who was a Doctor (chiropractor and osteopath) and Engineer in the 1920’s. The Major was inspired to go beyond simple spinal adjusting and developed methods of correcting the Cranium, Pelvis, Extremities and Organs. This study brought about a system of adjusting patterns in the body, not just single body parts. The most significant pattern was the relationship between the sacrum and occiput (which became the name of the technique).
Neuro Emotional Technique
NET is focused on achieving homeostasis of the human organism. Its method of correction is through the spine or acupuncture point(s). As part of its diagnostic methodology the patient, at times, explores their neuro-emotional case history to assist in the uncovering of the presence of an NEC. Once discovered, the correction is applied. Because psychotherapy is concerned with the cognitive appreciation of the emotional process, any case history that reveals a need for psychotherapy is discussed with the patient, and an appropriate referral can be made.
Quantum Neurology
QN was originally created by Dr. George Gonzalez, D.C., to restore his own wife’s health after a spinal cord injury. Dr. Gonzalez trains licensed health professionals to strengthen the nervous system using his patented, step by step training program. Throughout the training, doctors will learn how to activate the body’s natural actions, reactions, and reflexes to restore function to motor, cranial, sensory, and visceral nerves using light therapy and nerve specific exercises.
Sacro Occipital Technique
Spinal Pediatric Certification
"An integral part of a child's growth and development involves the spine, cranium, brain and nervous system...The first two years of a child’s life are the most influential developmental period. This is the time when 90% of their neurological foundation and potential is being formed. At no other time in our lives is the expression and development of our human potential so greatly influenced."
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Tri-City Health Care
Holistic & Chiropractic Center